On my way to Build Windows conference

Build 2011 Conference

I am looking forward to coming to this event in the USA and also to visiting my friends.

Earlier this year, TechEd Europe 2011 (usually in November) was cancelled (or “postponed” to June 2012). So, it had to be in USA.

Since last March, I was searching the web for the PDC or TechEd conference in USA – 2012 is going to be a major year in term of releases from Microsoft (a lot of new products, enhancement on .NET platform and development tools and maybe a new OS – Windows 8). It was a relief when I managed to get a little more information about the Build conference back in May. However, there was not any agenda and even the dates were not settled. Finally, on 13th June I managed to book it. Apparently, MS started to sell tickets on 1st June and they sold out on 1st August (2 months – no surprise, when you cancel (or “postpone”) other events).

Summer is gone in Europe. In a few hours time, I will be on my way to this conference…

Like last year, at TechEd Europe in Berlin, I will post information/observations about the sessions. See you there !!

ODP.NET – “Pooling” and “Connection request timed out”

Oracle - Pooling - smallRecently, I had to look at an issue in our code regarding “Connection request timed out”. Our Oracle connections are set to use the Pooling service offered by ODP.NET. Oracle documentation as the following description:

“The Max Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString property sets the maximum number of connections for a connection pool. If a new connection is requested, but no connections are available and the limit for Max Pool Size has been reached, then the connection pooling service waits for the time defined by the Connection Timeout attribute. If the Connection Timeout time has been reached, and there are still no connections available in the pool, the connection pooling service raises an exception indicating that the connection pool request has timed-out.” [Ref-01, p3-6]
